Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Room A Day Challenge: Day Two

The Entryway
Welcome to our home!

This is the main entrance to the house and a is a main traffic area.  The coat closet is usually my nemesis here!  I chose an easy room today because the kids were home for a SNOW DAY.  I find that I get very little accomplished when they are all home. So here is the mess...


The Coat Closet (floor)

The Coat Closet (again)

Entry cabinet

What a mess!!!
Amazing how cabinets and closets hide a multitude of messes!

And After:

The Closet Floor

I love these blue bins I found at Target! They have wheels and are stackable.  I used the bottom one for gloves, hat, etc. and then stacked the second one for the kids book bags!

Top of the Closet
Entry Cabinet
And... I'm done!

Up Next...
The "Bean's" Bedroom

So, how did you do today?



I love, love, love reading your posts! I NEED to organize seriously, but haven't had time yet... You are inspiring me/giving me ideas, though.
Thank you.
You have been chosen for the Stylish Blogger Award... To find out more click


Okay, I am back in! Today, while the baby napped I worked on organizing my two oldests shared room closet. I had a new tote out for Ben's clothes which were shoved everywhere in piles (the clothes that are too small for him now, that will be Henry's in a couple of years), and a tote for Goodwill (toys that are never played with and clothes that don't fit Lindsay any more). I stacked three of those plastic crates and used them as shelves, one for books, one for their little overnight bags and purses, and one for their folded up IKEA tent. I had some of my pre-kid dresses and Lindsay and Ben's wedding attire (they were in two weddings this past year) and shoes and listed them on EBay this afternoon. The closet looks great and I hope to bring in a bit of extra cash for the items I listed:)

Paige Harmon

Hey guys! Thanks soooooo much for checking in and commenting. It really means a lot to me to have new friends and support!

@Christina - I am honored!!!! I feel so blessed and am thankful that I am accomplishing some goals and inspiring at least someone with my chaotic house ;)

@Kathleen - AWESOME! I soooo know how those shared closets get out of control fast. My two girls shared one for awhile and it is just crowded. It sounds like you made some amazing progress! And you listed on ebay???? You rock! So, what are you going to do today? BTW, How's the wee one feeling?


Thanks for the encouragement. Today I tackled the coat closet. After seeing what you did with yours (although, I didn't get rid of as many coats as you did), I decided this was in need of organization too. I put the kids shoes in a rubbermaid container at the bottom of the closet tucked inside a crate turned sideways. Can you tell I love crates? On top of the crate is another rubbermaid container with their hats and gloves. Self service is a beautiful thing! I hung their little coats above that area and our bigger, longer coats on the other side. Our workout mats/balls/etc. are on the top shelf next to the family games. Looks much better.

Paige Harmon

I know... I am with you on the totes! I love them and use them mainly for our "recycled clothes" for my two little ones. Its been a bit crazy today again! I will post pics of Jenna's room tommorrow sometime! I am so inspired...workout mats and balls!!!


Hey, just b/c there are workout mats and balls in there doesn't mean they get used regularly! :)

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