Friday, March 4, 2011

One Room A Day Challenge: Days 6 & 7

This is our "Belle"

Now I know where this nickname comes from...

I adore Beauty and the Beast... so, its stands to reason that I would consider my little princess, "Belle", but it also means "beautiful".

 And beautiful she is! As the mom, I know I am certainly biased, but let me tell you that she is truly one of a kind!  Quite possibly the sweetest spirit I have ever known.  To me, she just radiates beauty in so many ways.  On the outside, golden wavy locks and bold baby blue eyes... Gorgeous! On the inside, even more...
Compassionate, Unselfish, Peaceful, Joyful, Loving, Thoughtful, Gentle...
Just to name a few! Now don't get me wrong, she has her moments where those characteristics don't exactly shine through, but God blessed us with a truly beautiful baby girl! I can't wait to see what He has planned for her.

With that said, here is one of her weak spots.....

Her Room Before:
Yep, this is what I pulled out of her closet!

And this would be just a glimpse of her filthy bathroom sink.

And the messy bathroom drawers.
and her unmade bed and Barbie house.
We caught her on a good day because she did clean up her floor.
And this would be her "computer storage area"
Now, I must confess the bulletin board is my fault.  I decided to hang it in a different spot and had not done it yet.
and her idea of putting her books "away"
And the corner of her room
(Anyone need a spoon? Why is that there?
Like the new and stylish TV? You know you want one too!
How about those wires! Let's just let it all hang out!)

I am just struggling with the kids' rooms in general.  Bean's was pretty easy, but the last three I have left to complete just seem off.  My decorating is just "not right".  So I took a picture of this particular area before and have plans for this spot, but am still working on it.  For now, I am just organizing and cleaning, not redecorating.

And After:
(Remember, I am not redecorating! So just focus on the organizing and cleaning here.)

A beautifully made bed

An organized bookshelf
(yes, I did go through the bins, too!)
A Clean Closet Floor
A fully organized closet
And remember that filthy bathroom...
Sparkling clean

And the drawers
Even the stuffed animals have their own space now!

Well, it looks like I just have some decorating to do! Overall, her room was really not that bad in comparison to Bean's room.  The worst is yet to come though...

How about you? What have you been organizing?
What was your challenging room of the day?



Cute room. last week it took me a whole day to clean my kids rooms. My son (God bless him) was deceptively messy with "stuff" hidden in the oddest places. everytime I opened or moved something voila there was another surprise! My daughter has papers everywhere. at the end of the day my back was killing me and my arms were stiff. the gleem from the shiny clean rooms lasted just a few days before disaster struck again. I can't win :o( Blessings, Joanne

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